Monday, September 14, 2009

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment Insurance

I was filing my continuing claim for last week, and I expected to have my check reduced because I reported self-employment income (from articles sold and a ScopeRoller order filled). No problem; that stretches out the number of weeks that you can collect unemployment--and I'm beginning to think it is going to be a long time before I get a regular job again.

But what I wasn't expecting was that because I was out of town Friday and Saturday to speak in Chicago, that precludes any payment for the entire week. I suppose if I had claimed that it was a job interview, there would not have been a problem, but it wasn't a job interview, and I'm certainly not going to lie about it.

I don't know if this is an Idaho-specific rule, or a national rule. It does suggest that if I have occasion to go do any more public speaking gigs, I should try and arrange it for the same week that I am earning money from self-employment!

The good news is that I have an interview for the SAT/ACT tutoring center on Friday. The pay isn't much, but it's better than unemployment, and perhaps I will be able to help some kids improve their skills enough to get into a better college.

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