Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Glory (1989)

Glory (1989)

Every time I watch this film, I find myself not only saying, "Has there been a more powerful, moving, and important film ever made?" but "Could there be?" This is as stirring a film about patriotism, devotion, courage, honesty, and doing the right thing as a film can be. Wow.

The finest work that Matthew Broderick has ever done (and perhaps can do). Morgan Freeman has made many powerful films, but not one that I have seen that exceeds it in quiet dignity. Denzel Washington? Amazing. The cast of actors that you have never heard of that turned in amazing performances is also astonishing, like Andrew Braugher as Captain Shaw's bookish, very upper class black friend, trying so hard to be what he clearly is not--but becomes. Wow.

The sequences as the soldiers pray together the night before they go into battle? As powerful as any such scene can be. As they charge off into battle, to their doom? Can any film top this in its depiction of the fearlessness of men confronting a hopeless task? Wow.

My favorite film, without question.

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