Friday, March 21, 2008

Does "Typical Black Person" Sound Bigoted?

Does "Typical Black Person" Sound Bigoted?

Watching Barack Hussein Obama destroy himself isn't pretty:
610 WIP host Angelo Cataldi asked Obama about his Tuesday morning speech on race at the National Constitution Center in which he referenced his own white grandmother and her prejudice. Obama told Cataldi that "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know - there's a reaction in her that's been bred into our experiences that don't go away and sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it. What makes me optimistic is you see each generation feeling less like that. And that's pretty powerful stuff"
Talk about condescending. I'm not sure why Obama is trying to distance himself from Rev. Wright's Afrocentric racist sermons. It sounds like Obama has absorbed just a bit too much of it. If only Dr. King could see this day--would he be upset.

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