Different Mexican restaurants have slightly different notions of carnitas. This is the thoroughly cooked, not so spicy variant. I like both forms of carnitas--they're just different, probably reflecting regional differences.
The college put me in a Hilton--which is as nice of a hotel as I think I have ever stayed in. (Not nicer than any that I have ever stayed in, but comparable to the places that NRA lodged me Lansing, Michigan and Columbus, Ohio a few years ago.)
It is November--and it was still unpleasantly hot and sticky when I arrived. But alas, the outdoor pool was still too cold for my delicate body by the time I headed down there.
Here's a picture from my room.
Click to enlarge
The exposure was a bit long--hence those streaks are headlights, not the high energy particles used to accelerate Houstonian ground vehicles up to light speed.
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