Thursday, August 9, 2007

Some Ideas Are Too Dangerous To Allow

Apparently, the Climate Audit blog had a posting about a serious error in the climate data that NASA has been using--showing that contrary to what the global warming true believers wanted, 1998 was not the hottest year on record, but 1934. And guess what? Power and Control reports:
It appears that Climate Audit after posting on a NASA error that made 1998 the warmest year on record (it is now second warmest after 1934) Power and Control link has been hit with a denial of service attack according to a commenter at Watts Up With That?

Evidently the news was too much for some people to bear.
Now, this site suggests that it could be because of an overwhelming volume of traffic after both Rush Limbaugh and Instapundit mentioned it at once--but hours later, it's still down. That's more likely a Denial of Service attack.

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