It seemed to occupy most of the 5:30 to 6:00 half hour of Wolf Blitzer. I'm sorry, but it isn't important. Not like the Iraq War, or the prospect of nuclear war with Iran, the global warming scam, or any of a number of real issues.
As Classical Values points out, there's a member of the House who has been charged with assault and battery against an airline employee--and that's not getting anywhere near the press. Is it because he's a Democrat? The usual suspects are saying that it is because the Craig scandal exposes the hypocrisy of conservatives for being against gay marriage while in the closet. There are some problems with that explanation:
1. I suspect there aren't that many closeted gay Republicans who are social conservatives. The two gay Republican House members--Kolbe and Mark Foley--weren't social conservatives at all.
2. If Craig's scandal is newsworthy because he did one thing in private and voted the opposite direction, then why is Filner's assault and battery charge not news? Is it because he's acting privately in accordance with Democratic Party soft on crime policies? Similarly, is the near absence of national coverage of Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) scandal involving $90,000 in cash in the freezer because corruption is in accordance with Democratic Party policies?
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