Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Comment Experiment

Comment Experiment

I'm turning on comments on my blog for a day or two as an experiment. I have been reluctant to do so because of:

1. Spammers putting web page addresses in comments.
2. Vulgar comments that I don't want to have to moderate or police.
3. Nasty arguments.

My reason for turning it on is that I get a lot of really thoughtful and useful emails from readers with additional information or an interesting take on what I have to say. It's easier to let you have your say.

Think of these comments as a dinner party. You wouldn't call your host names, and accuse him of being a narrow-minded bigot, or start using foul language in front of the other guests, for fear of not being invited back--or told to leave. If you really want to call me names, do so on your own blog. Genuine disagreements are fine, but I expect civility. If this turns into too big of a hassle, or too many people refuse to follow the rules, I'll turn it off again.

UPDATE: This assumes that I can beat blogger.com into turning comments on. I would ask you for comments explaining how to do this....

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