Okay, I have a working digital camera again. I don't know if it is because Kodak tries harder to deal with darkness, but I found myself taking pictures where I would not have even tried with the HP camera. Fiddling with the exposure in my computer produced pictures--not great, but at least a few pictures that are adequate to show you. It was just about dark when we reached the house.
The back porch has the tar paper in place; that's where the water came in during the heavy rains last weekend.
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Much of the interior had this hard material on top of the subflooring--I guess to properly support the tile.
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Here was a big pile of it, still waiting to be put down.
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All of the sheetrock has been taped and textured--now just waiting for paint.
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Here you can see the septic tank, about 120 feet east of the house. I understand that this and the leech field were supposed to be covered over as soon as the inspector approved it; I don't know what is holding this up.
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There's a long trench running down the hill to the leech field; unfortunately, it was too dark by the time we got there to get a good picture. But a leech field is effectively four big plastic lines with little holes in them to let the liquid material that flows out of the septic tank slowly filter into the ground. This is just a few feet from the road where our property line ends.
Previous house entry.
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