Okay, these drawings aren't quite up to date--there are some steps to be changed to ramps, a few more windows to add, the master bathroom wall has to move a foot or two to put in dual sinks--but we are getting there. (Also, for those who have dark plans for me--this doesn't show the boobytraps, trapdoors, the dungeon, or the minefield.)
Here's the floor plan.
Bere's the exteriors.
Here's one view of the four foot trench so that Idaho Power can run conduit from the pole to the transformer.
Here you can see the excavation to put the footings in place.
My wife looking with distress at the amount of (temporary) devastation done to the wildflowers by all the digging.
Another view across the digging where the forms will go for the foundation.
More of the power trench.
Wild flowers on and near our property. We'll have names for them soon, and I'll update these pictures when we do.
Oh yeah, the Equinox we bought to get back and forth in winter.
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