Tuesday, May 15, 2007


A friend who lives in the Bay Area pointed me to this very funny item on the Bay Area Craig's List "Rants and Raves" section (which is in danger of disappearing because liberals don't like him):
I buy ammo at a local Big5 Sporting Goods because they always have it (at least the common stuff) and the prices are good. Just the week before last they had R-P 9mm JHP for under $6/box with an additional 10% discount if you bought ten boxes.

Here in the People's Republic, most people have never even seen a gun so I frequently get funny looks/comments/questions from both employees and other customers. I find it amusing and expect it when I go in there now, so I try to have a snappy comeback. Here are some examples from a few recent visits:

CHECKOUT GIRL (Afraid to touch a brick of .22's): Is it OK to, like, put this in a bag?
ME: Yeah, probably. They hardly ever go off by themselves.

GUY IN FRONT OF ME IN LINE: Wow! What do you have there?
ME: That's 1000 rounds of 9mm.
GUY: And how many bullets are in a "round"?
ME: I hope only one.

WOMAN IN LINE (looking at the 10 boxes of ammo I'm carrying): I can't believe they let you just carry that through the store.
ME: Well, the last time I drove up to the ammo counter they told me to leave my car outside from now on.

CHECKOUT GIRL: Are these for a handgun?
ME: Yup.
GIRL: Are you a cop?
ME: Nope.
GIRL: I thought only cops could own handguns.
ME (whispering): Don't tell anyone.

... and finally:

WHINY WOMAN IN LINE: I don't know why anybody would need so many "bullets".
ME: I'll bet there are a whole lot of things you don't know.

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