We were up there Sunday afternoon. At first glance, there wasn't a lot more progress. But now the garage framing is in place.
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The external layer just under the siding is now in place.
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Of course, you never know when your big earthmoving equipment might go on a rampage, so you do need to leash it.
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Seriously, there were several severe wind storms last weekend that caused some of the framing to fall. Remember that the roof joists provide much of the structural integrity of a house.
I think I mentioned a while back that we weren't getting water out of the faucet, even though the water tank was high enough that it should have worked just fine. The builder decided to replace the eight foot water pipe on which the faucet was mounted with a four foot pipe. He removed the eight foot pipe--and now water was coming out at a very high flow rate. Perhaps there was air bubble or something defective with that pipe. Then he notice that he had brought a four foot pipe with the wrong diameter--so now he was getting thoroughly soaked, because the four foot pipe slid right inside the fitting.
After reinstalling the eight foot long pipe, there is now no problem getting water to come out. We now have confidence that we will have no problem getting water to flow even without power.
I do need to start looking at fire sprinklers. I've decided not to bother with these foam fire suppression systems--what I need is a conventional sprinkler system with an air temperature sensor that turns on one sprinkler circuit. My guess that a 110 degree air temperature would be a good sign that a wildfire has reached the property, and at that altitude, I'm not worried about any other conditions producing that kind of heat.
Windows are supposed to be installed Friday; "flatwork" (patio, garage floor, garage aprons, and the pad for Big Bertha) is supposed to be poured on Monday. Roof joists perhaps end of next week!
Previous house entry.
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