Friday, June 13, 2008

Please, Tell Me This Was Photoshopped

Please, Tell Me This Was Photoshopped

There are a lot of days that I feel like Communism has won the battle for the hearts and minds of the ruling class of this country. And then incidents happen like this. Professor Orin Kerr over at Volokh Conspiracy mentions that an Ohio state judge issued a decision blocking that state's death penalty--and found the decision puzzling. But then someone found this USA Today picture of the judge explaining his decision:

It might be questionably partisan to hang a political candidate's picture on the wall--but Che Guevara? (And a notable proponent of the death penalty, at least against "class enemies.") And of course, it tells us a lot about the sort of people that are backing Obama, too.

Remember: this isn't Berkeley. This isn't a judge in California. Or New York City. This is Ohio. There are days that you could wonder if there are more Communist Party sympathizers in positions of power in America than there are left in Russia.

As one of the clever commenters over there pointed out:
Uh-oh, it's a poster featuring a smooth-talking, unreconstructed leftist cult leader with ambitions of power! And Che Guevara!

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