Sunday, June 3, 2007

Complain to They Listen

Or so it seems. A reader sent me the following:
The search engine has recently begun filtering out requests when the word "gun" is mentioned. Even "NRA Gun Safety" is blocked.

I sent the following request for them to consider the absurdity of their actions. Their contact info is at the bottom of their page.

-James Grant

Dear DogPile,

You take a very strange position on what adult content is. I was looking for information on "gun safety" and then received a block from your censors. So, I wanted to see how far DogPile is carrying this absurd restriction of access.

I decided to type in things that actually are disconcerting. I entered "robbery techniques" "burglary tools" "stealing cars" "make heroin" "grow marijuana" "Adultery", "Murder" "Mayhem" "Rape" "Incest".

All were given a green light from your filters. . Tips and how to's about anything criminal.

No filters, roadblocks, or verifications were required.

So what exactly is it about my safety that your are trying to protect me from? Please re-enable your search engine to pass lawful information freely and without hindrance.

-James Grant
I guess listens. By the time I returned from vacation, the blocks seem to have been removed.

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