Friday, January 4, 2008


The wind really picked up during the night. It was pretty consistently 35 mph, with one gust of 38 mph this morning. Now, it has picked up even more--in the 40-50 mph range. Fortunately, the air is warm, so the snow is rapidly disappearing. It's very dry air, so while some of it is melting and evaporating, some of it seems to be sublimating (going directly from frozen to water vapor)!

I mentioned some months back that I was tempted to put up a wind generator, but just like solar panels are very dependent on clouds and the season, wind suffers from extreme variability. Right now, I could be producing huge amounts of power--but most of the time, the wind barely hits 15 mph around here. A generator that produced any appreciable power under those conditions would have to either shut down or suffer from "energetic disassembly" in a wind like this.

Even though outside air temperature is about 50 degrees, wind chill is astonishing. The good news is that when I come inside, the cat wants me to hold him--and he makes a fine handwarmer.

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