Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fred Thompson on Immigration

This is the issue with which Thompson (if he gets the nomination) will beat Senator Clinton. Thompson has released his Border Security and Immigration proposal here. How smart is Thompson? It reads like something that I would have written. I don't see a single component that I disagree with. The key ideas are:

1. No amnesty for illegal aliens.

2. Enforce the existing laws against both illegal aliens and employers who illegally hire them. It is unrealistic to find and deport all 12 million, but we can deport the ones we arrest, and crack down on employers enough that many others decide to go home, because they can't get jobs.

3. Enforce existing federal immigration laws, and cut off funds to cities that insist on being Sanctuary Cities.

4. Build the wall.

5. Increased enforcement against illegal alien criminals, smugglers, and others who aren't just coming here to find work.

6. Implement an entry/exit tracking system so that we can find visa overstays--you know, like some of the 9/11 hijackers were?

He has a number of other proposals to streamline the procedure for legal immigrants--you know, the ones that are willing to actually obey our laws and follow the proper procedures? He also wants to end "chain immigration" by limiting granting of permanent residency to immediate family--not this situation where one person gets in, then his brother, then the brother's nephew, and so on.

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