Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Transgender Madness

I've written before about the madness of the "transgendered"--people who insist that they are trapped in the body of the wrong sex, and who seek sex change surgery. Homosexuality seems downright normal by comparison. We have yet another example of how "transgendered" is really just a description of someone with very serious mental illness. From the July 30, 2007 Idaho Statesman:
The state must provide female hormone therapy to an Idaho inmate who castrated herself after prison officials refused to treat her for gender identity disorder, a federal judge has ruled.

Jenniffer Spencer, who changed her name from Randall Gammett after she was imprisoned in 2000 for possession of a stolen car and escape, believes she is a woman trapped in a man's body. Born biologically male, she castrated herself using a disposable razor blade in her prison cell after doctors working for the state prison system refused to prescribe her the female hormone estrogen.


In the lawsuit filed last year, Spencer says that before she was incarcerated, she lived full time as a woman and took birth control pills in an attempt to develop the secondary sex characteristics of a woman. But she apparently didn't tell Correction Department officials that she believed she had gender identity disorder until September 2003, when she learned the state had a policy detailing treatment options for transgender inmates.

She contends the department ignored some 75 requests she submitted for gender identity disorder treatment. Instead, prison doctors diagnosed her with a nonspecific sexual disorder, then bipolar disorder.

In August 2004, Spencer tried to hang herself in her cell but survived. Two months later she tried to castrate herself, failing in the first attempt but succeeding 10 days later.
This is someone who is really, really messed up.

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