I am still not quite there, but I'm getting closer. These were prime focus photographs (using the 8" f/7 as the lens, so to speak). As should be obvious from the first photograph, I have not yet mastered getting my mount aimed exactly at true north. I may also have to take these pictures in raw mode so that I can fiddle with the noise settings to get a blacker sky. I've cut down the pictures a bit so that they don't take so long to download--and it is not like they are exactly worth a long download at this point!
This is the Orion Nebula (M42), 40 second exposure, ASA 1600:
Click to enlarge
This is Saturn, a bit overexposed at 4 seconds, ASA 1600--but the result is that while the planet and rings are lost in the glare, you can see several of Saturn's larger satellites:
Click to enlarge
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