I mentioned yesterday that the pictures of the wind chimes and wind spinners we put out to stop the woodpeckers didn't come, so I shot some more pictures yesterday. My wife thinks the wind spinners look a little white trash, but a reader tells me of a technique that apparently also works, and makes this look downright San Francisco New Agey by comparison: shoot one woodpecker, and nail it to the wall. The rest won't come back. I call this the George Bush Approach To Third World Dictators With WMD Ambitions. At least, it worked with Libya.
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You will notice quite a bit of dirt on the front porch in that last picture. It is our own little Dust Bowl of soil blowing onto the south face of the house in the intense thunderstorms Friday night. We really do need to get that hydroseeded.
The warmer weather and rains have started to turn the hillsides green again.
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I don't have a picture of it, but I just noticed that when they repoured the concrete at the back side of the garage--they poured gray concrete, not the rose color that the rest of the driveway apron and porches were poured. I am pretty upset about this, because it looks stupid--and even if the builder didn't remind of the color, they should have looked before they poured gray concrete to replace rose colored concrete. I hope that they can put a thin coat of the right color on top.
Last house project entry.
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