I know that some of my readers look up to me, but here's a chance to do so in the literal sense. The lot to the north of mine overlooking Horseshoe Bend is going on the market. I don't have all the details yet from the owner, but he let me know that he will be listing it soon.
It is smaller than my parcel, and it doesn't have quite the view that I do--but it isn't a bad view, and of course, it has the same wonderful night skies. You can see his property in this picture, center and closer than the log cabin, but beyond that fence line:
He has a travel trailer parked there at the moment, in preparation for building that never happened. (A long story, not all of which I know.)
He has a well in, and according to the well drilling log, a pretty good one. He's asking $130,000 for it. I'll put up more details about the property when he responds to my email. If you are interested, contact me, and I'll put you in touch with the owner.
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