Sunday, March 28, 2010

Which Races Should I Be Contributing To?

Which Races Should I Be Contributing To?

I'm interested in contributing money to a number of Congressional or Senate races across the country. (No, not thousands of dollars, but certainly hundreds of dollars.) I don't have the expertise to know which races are considered most promising in terms of unseating Democrats. I'm relying on my readership to give me some suggestions. My criteria:

1. Conservative or libertarian Republican. Someone who uses really extreme rhetoric (at least, extreme relative to their district) isn't likely to be a success, but I'm not terribly interested in funding RINOs.

2. They should have some realistic chance of success. It might be a longshot, but not a campaign being done for "educational" reasons, or because the Republicans need someone to show the flag in a token campaign.

3. Ideally, they are trying to remove a DINO (like Rep. Walt Minnick, who represents me in the House), or a liberal Democrat who represent a fairly conservative district, and is therefore vunerable.

I've mentioned Pia Varma, who is running in Pennsylvania Congressional District 1 before as perhaps one example. Care to point me to others? I'm not interested in contributing to anything that is associated with the Republican National Committee--these guys are a lot of what is wrong with the Republican Party--the sort of special interest politics that completely runs the Democratic Party, and almost completely runs the Republican Party.

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