Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Modern Equivalent of the Burma Shave Signs

If you are too young to have any idea what the "Burma Shave" signs were--read this first! (And oh, does it make me feel old to have to tell you young people about this!) Anyway, a reader saw what seems to be the modern political equivalent of the Burma Shave signs while on a trip through Illinois:
Two weeks ago while traveling through Illinois with my family on I-57 between Champaign and Effingham, we noticed signs in three different locations which promoted a very pro gun message. The signs were in groups of three, rectangular and white (with black letters), and about 7 times wider than the height. They were so well worded we wrote them down. With adequate warning I would have photographed them.

The first set of signs read:

Here is something you should ponder - An armed citizen as first responder -

The second:

Shooting sports are safe and fun - There's no need to fear a gun -

The third:

On unarmed citizens the thugs do pray - The Illinois law keeps it that way -
UPDATE: A reader tells me that the domain is now in the hands of a speculator trying to sell the domain name. That's unfortunate. I suspect that the signs were put up before someone ran out of money to keep that domain name.

UPDATE 2: My reader who relayed these apparently got the domain name confused: it is not I've updated above.

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