Sunday, December 2, 2007

Another Fake Hate Crime

Another Fake Hate Crime

From December 1, 2007 WJZ channel 13 in Baltimore:
BALTIMORE (AP) ― The Baltimore Fire Department has suspended a paramedic apprentice who admitted placing a threatening note and a rope shaped like a noose inside a firehouse.

Fire officials say the paramedic, Gary Maynard, is the one who initially reported finding the note and the rope. Fire department spokesman Kevin Cartwright says Maynard confessed to city police that he left the note and the rope.

A statement from Fire Chief William Goodwin says Maynard's scheme was "meant to create the perception that members within our department were acting in a discriminatory and unprofessional manner."
There are so many of these hate crimes that turn out to be fakes--it makes you wonder how many of the rest are just better done fakes.

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