Monday, August 6, 2007

The Roeaux Effect

Considerettes points to how leftists moving to Canada could change American politics:
James Taranto has given a name to the idea that the country is getting more and more anti-abortion partially due to abortion being legal. Calling it “The Roe Effect”, it postulates that since those who favor legal abortion are more likely to get one, and assuming children generally follow the political leanings of their parents, more abortion foes are being born than abortion advocates, and thus over time support for legal abortion will dwindle. (See the Wikipedia entry for links to other articles on this.)
After the Roe decision, it would take at least 18 years for the effect to start being seen, when the post-Roe kids were of voting age. However, there’s another trend occurring that may have an effect on American politics without the waiting period.
Considerettes calls this loss of American leftists to Canada the Roeaux Effect as a clever pun on "Roe" with a French Canadian accent! Good points, but unfortunately, some of these American emigres are keeping their American citizenship--and I presume will continue to vote leftist, and send huge quantities of money to support leftist causes.

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