Wednesday, July 4, 2007

News From Iraq That The Mainstream Media Don't Want You To Hear

My wife thinks the reason that Paris Hilton's antics get so much attention is that the alternative is to cover the situation in Iraq. The more we see of Paris Hilton, she reasons, is probably an indication that there is progress in Iraq.

Here's some news from Iraq that the mainstream media are studiously ignoring, because it is a reminder of who will be in charge of Iraq if we withdraw. Michael Yon documents a barbarous crime by al-Qaeda. An entire village--right down to their livestock--massacred, with children beheaded.

The mainstream media dare not cover this, because it would remind Americans of the monsters that we are fighting, and why we need to defeat this evil. If there is anything that defines the left, it is their tolerance for mass murder and torture. They made excuses for it in the Soviet Union, in Red China, and in Cambodia. They clearly prefer a society dominated by al-Qaeda to having U.S. forces in Iraq.

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