I like the people I work with, a lot. I enjoy what I am doing reasonably well. What I am learning (C#, .NET, SQL) will, in another 1 1/2 years, make me again employable in the Boise area. (Assuming that by then there are any jobs more advanced than hunting for food and "self-employed urban guerrilla.") But do I hate the commute.
At least with the top off the Corvette, when the temperature is in the 60s or 70s, it's pretty decent. I do have a peeling sunburn on my left arm and on my nose from the drive over there--long sleeves next time. (I was wearing a hat, but my nose sticks out far enough to be a problem.)
On the ride back, it took me 5 1/2 hours of driving from Bend to Horseshoe Bend--and I averaged 28.8 miles per gallon. One advantage of the Corvette over the Jaguar is that I can set the cruise control for 65 mph, and just leave it there the whole way. There were only a couple of places on the high mountain passes where I took it off cruise control--and even there, the Corvette corners well enough that it would certainly have gotten through, but with a bit more drama than I would prefer.
I stay on the side of an extinct volcano in Bend--Pilot Butte. (I suspect that the name is derived from its use by early airplane pilots as a landmark.) From the top, you have a spectacular view of snowcapped stratovolcanoes to the west of town.

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Way off in the distance, I think, is Mount Jefferson.

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