Monday, November 24, 2008

Solving The Wrong Problem

Solving The Wrong Problem

Seattle is considering a proposal
which violates the Washington State Constitution, as well as Washington State's firearms regulation preemption law--and yet, the real solution is obvious:

Following a shooting that injured three people at the Folklife Festival on May 24, Mayor Greg Nickels directed all City of Seattle departments to study the adoption and enforcement of policies, rules and contractual agreements which would prohibit the possession of dangerous weapons, including firearms on city property. The suspect in the Folklife shooting had a concealed weapons permit, despite a history of drug abuse and mental health problems.

Wouldn't it be more sensible to ask the Washington legislature to correct the concealed weapon permit law so that a person with "a history of drug abuse and mental health problems" doesn't have a concealed weapons permit? This would benefit not only Seattle, but the rest of Washington State--without impacting those of us who aren't any danger to others at all. And what makes Seattle thing that someone with problems this serious--and who is willing to shoot other people--is going to obey their new rules? Do you suppose that deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill might be the core problem that needs addressing?

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