Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Importance of Real Science Classes

For all the screeching from some circles about not allowing "pseudo-science" (by which they mean Intelligent Design critiques of evolutionary theory), you would think this sort of political indoctrination in a science class would generate a bit more controversy:
So my son in junior high got the following choices for a school project:

You are a belligerent group of environmental activists from an organization called "Save the Rainforest." Design a campaign to raise money to protect the rainforest. Audience: General Public

As a group of concerned citizens your team will write a letter to our State Senators about the US policies regarding the destruction of the world's rainforest.

You are a team of naturalists reporting to the world about the fragile ecosystems in the rainforest. Tell about what was, what is and what will be if we keep up our current rainforest activities. Include pictures with captions. Naturalists are non-political; they simply study the natural world. Audience: General Public

Other choices included; Building a save-the-rainforest website, create a save-the-rainforest presentation to business leaders, a travel agency promotion to convince tourists to see the rainforest "NOW, before it is too late," information for rainforest products that will only be available for a limited time -- "due to ecosystem changes" -- and a press conference at the UN reporting the discovery of 2 new species that should "provide convincing information about why world leaders should work to protect the rainforest."

Guess what class this is for? Give up?

It's his science class.
This isn't even "pseudo-science." It's political indoctrination in place of science. Hey, a serious discussion of the irreducible complexity problem of the flagellum would at least teach the kids something about the complexity of cell mechanisms.

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