I drove up Saturday to see how things were going. It has been cold and rainy here in Boise--and if there was any question as to whether spending the extra $1400 to raise the insulation level in the roof from R-38 to R-50, and insulating under the floor, these pictures of the surrounding mountains should tell you the answer--and it is only November!

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My builder tells me that when arrived Saturday morning, it was 32 degrees outside, and not much warmer inside. He turned on the thermostat, and within 15 minutes, had to go turn it down, because it reached an uncomfortably warm temperature inside. I guess that tells us the furnace is highly effective, and the insulation is holding in the heat once produced.
You can see prep work around windows in the master bedroom:

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I was both pleased and just slightly surprised at the attention to detail as the builder and his family went around preparing all surfaces for interior painting, using wall patch to seal gaps between moldings and walls, and removing door hinges to make sure that the paint went everywhere.

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The plan was to paint the interior Saturday afternoon, and have the kitchen cabinets, vanities, toilets, carpets, and appliances done this coming week. He is waiting for the temperatures to rise a bit so that he can finish the exterior paint. If the electrician ever gets back from elk hunting, he can install the outlets and light fixtures.
Last house project entry.
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